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In addition, during the "acceleration phase" of the learning curve, after the surgeon has become proficient in the basics of the procedure and begins to tackle more difficult cases, a temporary increase in complications may emerge. Patients with larger prostates have also been associated with greater blood loss, longer hospital stays, higher complication rates, and worse functional outcomes [71, 72]. With the prostate removed from the pelvis, there is greater exposure of the vessels, facilitating the extended dissection up to the level of the common iliac vessels. Also, by performing the main oncologic portion of the procedure first, any small risk of having to abort the procedure due to inadvertent major vascular injury Intraoperative complications Intraoperative complications can be classified as either access related or procedure specific. Access-related complications are not specific to robotic surgery but are germane to all laparoscopic procedures. Regardless of whether the posterior dissection is performed at the very start of the procedure, as described by the group from Montsouris [13], or done following transection of the prostatovesical junction, if not completely mobilized off the posterior 1128 Section 6 Laparoscopy and Robotic Surgery: Laparoscopy and Robotics in Adults Vinci robot, the ability to accurately identify and precisely ligate bleeding vessels, as well as the effects of the pneumoperitoneum tamponading small venous bleeders. Although extremely rare, transient femoral nerve palsies related to positioning have been noted [88]. In our single-surgeon series of almost 1000 cases, we have also noted this on rare occasion, and anecdotally note an association with muscular men who have bulky muscle mass in their lower limbs. The multifactorial nature of both these postoperative rates suggests that patient selection plays just as much a role as any technical or surgeon-related factor. Bladder neck contractures, lymphoceles, inguinal hernias, and port-site hernias have also been reported. Although less common, rectal injuries can also occur during the posterior dissection itself. The key is to use the perirectal fat as a guide to stay in the correct plane, dissecting close to the prostatic surface. Ureteric injuries, though uncommon, can occur at several different stages of the procedure. First, when dissecting the posterior aspect of the prostatovesical junction, care must be taken with the ureteral orifices located nearby. In patients with a large median lobe, identification of the orifices may be difficult for the novice surgeon. As such, we recommend avoiding these types of patients during the early learning curve. Particularly when the posterior wall of the bladder has been somewhat thinned, surgeons tend to take large bites of the posterior wall with their anastomotic suture in the hope of buttressing the thinned wall. It is important to note that the intramural portion of the ureter must not be included in the suture, particularly when the ureteric orifices are found close to the cut edge of the bladder neck. Although uncommon, these types of complications can lead to significant patient morbidity. They can occur due to inappropriate direct application of electrocautery, inadvertent direct ligation, coupling of energy to another instrument, or sheer force trauma during blunt dissection. In addition, iliac vessels can be injured during uncontrolled, blind robotic instrument insertion or exchange. Postoperative complications Early postoperative complications include urinary tract infections, anastomotic urine leaks, hemorrhage, ileus, deep vein thromboembolism, and peritonitis from unrecognized bowel injury. As with open surgery, a meticulous dissection in adherence to sound oncologic principles must be ensured, particularly at the apex of the prostate. They are often large and complex and may involve the bladder neck and upper urethra allergy shots cost for dogs purchase cheap prednisone on line, thereby threatening the continence mechanism. Sometimes the ureteral orifice may be involved in the scarring, resulting in obstruction and hydroureteronephrosis or a combined vesicovaginal and ureterovaginal fistula. Caesarean hysterectomies done for obstructed labor and rupture of the uterus involving the bladder is the other obstetric situation causing vesicovaginal fistu- las. These are caused by ischemic insult as well as direct surgical injury or contusion. Surgical injury to the bladder can also be sustained during difficult caesarean sections, like repeat caesarean sections where the urinary bladder is pulled up by adhesions due to the previous surgery. The resulting fistulas are usually higher up, involving the upper vagina and sometimes the cervix. A bladder injury during caesarean section is the most important cause of a vesicouterine fistula. Posthysterectomy vesicovaginal fistula is always the result of an intraoperative injury to the urinary bladder. This may be as trivial as a stitch going inadvertently through the urinary bladder during closure of the vaginal vault. A ureterovaginal fistula may accompany a vesicovaginal fistula or may occur in isolation, and is invariably due to an intraoperative injury to the distal ureter sustained during the pelvic surgery. Psychologic impact Whatever the etiology, vesicovaginal fistula has a devastating impact on the social life, sexual function, and self-esteem of the affected woman. The continued contact of urine with the vulva from diapers used to contain the same causes excoriation of the skin and vulvitis. In the economically poorer countries where most of these fistulas arise from lack of appropriate obstetric care, the patient often cannot afford even diapers. The constant dribble of urine emanates bad odor and the patient becomes a social outcast. Some patients are divorced by their husbands due to their inability to have a healthy sexual relationship. Socially, 45% of the women interviewed felt ostracized and 50% were economically impoverished by job loss consequent to their developing the fistula. Therefore, psychologic support and sometimes pharmacotherapy become necessary before embarking on definitive surgery. A urine sample for culture must be obtained using a catheter inserted through the urethra or a sterile speculum inserted in the vagina. Any indwelling catheter must be removed and tissue edema should be allowed to subside completely, especially in fistulas occurring after delivery. Improving the general condition and nutrition of the patient, correcting anemia, and treating vulval excoriations are important aspects for good healing after surgery. In patients in a hypoestrogenic state, topical application of estrogen creams for a few weeks may improve the quality of vaginal tissues. Preoperative evaluation the patient typically presents with incontinence of urine that usually follows delivery or pelvic surgery. Usually the patient reports leakage of urine immediately after removal of the catheter following the surgery or obstetric event, but the leakage can start after several days or even a few weeks later. Sometimes, especially in the presence of an isolated ureterovaginal fistula or a small high vesicovaginal fistula, the patient may have a normal voiding pattern in addition to continuous incontinence. Digital vaginal examination helps to identify the fistula and to rule out coexisting pathologies in the pelvis. It also helps assess the accessibility of the fistula for reconstruction through the vagina, extent of fibrosis and associated scarring, and quality of vaginal tissue. A per speculum vaginal examination is needed to accurately identify the presence, number, and location of the fistula. The three-tampon test described by Moir helps distinguish a vesicovaginal fistula from a ureterovaginal fistula [2]. Robotic assistance makes intracorporeal suturing much easier allergy medicine and cold medicine together buy 40mg prednisone fast delivery, thereby facilitating reconstructive procedures like vesicovaginal fistula repair. However, the very high cost of the surgical robot has restricted the widespread adoption of this minimally invasive technique for the repair of vesicovaginal fistula. Laparoscopic transvesical repair of recurrent vesicovaginal fistula using with fleece-bound sealing system. Vesicovaginal fistula repair without intentional cystotomy using the laparoscopic robotic approach: a case report. Complications of treatment of obstetric fistula in the developing world: gynatresia, urinary incontinence, and urinary diversion. Roboticassisted laparoscopic ureteral reimplantation with psoas hitch: a multi-institutional, multinational evaluation. Experience with robot assisted laparoscopic surgery for upper and lower benign and malignant ureteral pathologies. Laparoscopic repair of vesicovaginal fistula and right nephrectomy for nonfunctioning kidney in a single session. Transperitoneal laparoscopic repair of iatrogenic vesicovaginal fistulas: Heilbronn experience and review of the literature. Lorenzo1 & Cheol Kyu Oh2 1 2 Department of Urology, Urological Science Institute, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea Department of Urology, Inje University College of Medicine, Haeundae-gu, Busan, Korea Introduction In the early 1990s, attempts were made by urologists to conduct extirpative and reconstructive procedures using laparoscopy. With the development of instrumentation, skill, and expertise, applications of laparoscopy have expanded to more bladder procedures, such as partial cystectomy, bladder augmentation, and appendico-vesicostomy. Laparoscopy in itself has the benefit of improved vision, especially in the narrow spaces in the abdomen. On the downside, the use of the robot has escalated cost, but with continuing technologic advances, robotics is here to stay. As with conventional laparoscopy, procedures conducted robotically have also expanded to include various bladder surgeries. As the operative techniques for conventional laparoscopy and robot-assisted laparoscopy are generally the same, the techniques covered in this chapter are thus discussed collectively. Recognizing the debilitating effects of this procedure, bladder-preserving techniques have been proposed. Since local control has been questioned, adjunctive radiation and/or chemotherapy have been attempted. With limited results, it still has not been widely accepted and may therefore be utilized for a select group of patients only. It may be offered to patients with severe comorbidities and those who refuse total cystectomy with appropriate advice regarding long-term results. A concomitant pelvic lymph node dissection is also advocated in all cases of urothelial carcinoma. For patients with urachal adenocarcinoma that involves the bladder dome, partial cystectomy is also indicated [7]. A number of studies have shown the feasibility of the minimally invasive approach for this indication (see Results below). Diverticulectomy of the bladder is an accepted procedure as weakness in the bladder wall at these outpouchings interferes with complete voiding. Laparoscopic and robotassisted approaches have been proven to be feasible and safe (see Results below). Port placement and instruments Operative technique Patient positioning the patient is placed in the lithotomy position with all pressure points padded. Arms, legs, and chest are Initial access may be via the Veress or Hasson technique. Chapter 89 Laparoscopic and Robotic Bladder Surgery laparoscopic prostatectomy utilizing four robot arms. At least one assist port (12-mm trocar) should be used for entry and exit of sutures, and suctioning. Each vessel can be clipped and transected with similar methods to those described for transperitoneal laparoscopic renal surgery allergy medicine brands purchase discount prednisone. Anterior dissection results in the kidney falling on to the hilum, and to maintain adequate visualization of the hilum, anterior dissection of the kidney with the flank approach should be avoided prior to transection of the vessels. Remaining perinephric attachments can be released with blunt and electrocautery dissection as previously described. The ureter is transected and the specimen placed in to a laparoscopic entrapment sac. The kidney and ureter can be removed en bloc or morcellated, depending upon the indication for surgery. These comparative studies typically demonstrate increased operative times with a laparoscopic approach but a shorter hospital length of stay relative to the open cohort. Miscellaneous procedures the application of laparoscopy to reconstructive surgical procedures of the kidney was inevitable after safety and efficacy was demonstrated for extirpative renal surgery. Laparoscopic pyeloplasty is covered in Chapter 86 and ureteroureterostomy is covered elsewhere in this textbook; however, there are many other renal procedures in which patients have appreciated the benefits of a laparoscopic approach. Postoperative care the nasogastric tube placed intraoperatively is removed prior to the patient leaving the operating room. Patients can be started on clear liquids on the day of surgery and advanced to a regular diet upon return of bowel function. Ketolorac is a very useful analgesic in the immediate postoperative period as an adjunct to the judicious administration of narcotics. A transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach has been employed with removal of the stones accomplished en bloc with laparoscopic instruments when possible. The stone pieces can then be retrieved with a cystoscope and stone basket inserted in to one of the trocars, with subsequent manipulation in to the kidney through the pelviotomy. The rate of conversion from a laparoscopic planned approach to open renal surgery is very low in published series (Table 97. Transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approaches to laparoscopic renal surgery, in the hands of an experienced surgeon, appear to have comparable operative times. The advantages of laparoscopy for renal surgery in infants may be less than in other age groups given the typical rapid convalescence of this age group. In a 3-year-old girl a single ectopic ureter associated with dysplastic kidney was removed through a single incision in the umbilicus with a homemade single-port device. Extirpative surgery without skin incisions appears to be the ultimate in minimally invasive procedures in the abdomen. Laparoscopic calyceal diverticulectomy Calyceal diverticula are infrequently encountered and can be complicated by stone formation or infection. Once again, endourologic techniques, such as ureteroscopy and percutaneous ablation, are the most commonly utilized procedures when treatment is necessary. Transperitoneal or retroperitoneal laparoscopic marsupialization and ablation of the diverticulum with electrocautery have been the techniques described. Pain is a common symptom and is hypothesized to be secondary to cyst enlargement resulting in compression of surrounding tissues, traction on the renal pedicle, and distention of the renal capsule. Full mobilization of the kidney and nephropexy with six 2-0 absorbable sutures completed the procedure. With average followup of 2 years, all treated patients were no longer taking analgesics and postoperative visual analog pain scores were significantly lower than preoperative scores. Laparoscopic nephrectomy in a child: expanding horizons for laparoscopy in pediatric urology. Laparoendoscopic single-site surgery the success of minimally invasive surgery in the form of laparoscopic surgery has inspired surgeons to improve the procedure. Decreasing the incisions from a traditional three ports to a single site has been the next evolution of laparoscopic renal surgery in children. Generic prednisone 10mg visa. 8 Acupressure Points to Relieve Allergy Symptoms.